
CP Gelid A2A

Sitrulus Melon

L2: Junior Member
Apr 8, 2022
Sitrulus Melon submitted a new resource:

Gelid - 5 capture point map set in an isolated facility in the north

My 72 hour submission. it is set somewhere in an isolated island, somewhere near the Bering strait.

This is my first 5 capture point map and the layout is rather experimental... compared to other maps, but this is what I manage to do in a limited time.

In the future, I might update this map to be more competent.

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Sitrulus Melon

L2: Junior Member
Apr 8, 2022
Sitrulus Melon updated Gelid with a new update entry:

Not really a new version update, but soon there will be

As this is my first 5 cp map and made in under 3 days, it had some flaws. I intend to continue developing this one off 72 hour map in the future. doing a large revamp but still retaining the significant old features in its A1. in its next update i will fix the large issues such as the door logic being flunky and make the layout more bearable, and attempt to make it somewhat competitive viable like the other 5 cp maps.

Thanks for reading.

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