<identical copypasta for two maps/generalized rant about what koth shouldn't have>
There is no line of conflict. In most maps (including Viaduct), there is a line on the map (which moves with the flow of the game) where you can think "I'm on my side of the line, the enemy will probably attack from in front of me".
Here, there is no such line. It's just chaos everywhere, you are equally as likely to be attacked from every direction because it doesn't take a significantly longer or more difficult path to get behind the enemy.
It's far too easy/too many routes to get around to all sides of the battle. It's more of a web-like arena layout than a linear-with-connections layout that most maps have.
The result of this is a lot more unexpected deaths and a frenzied random battle without much sense of team combat. It also serves to exacerbate the already low usefulness of engineers in koth. As difficult as it is to find somewhere to put a sentry in a koth map due to the lack of any real defense line, it becomes much worse when your sentry can and will be attacked from any direction.