Every Team Fortress Map

Every Team Fortress Map (1996-2022)


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Lacry submitted a new resource:

Every Team Fortress Map - Every single Team Fortress map ever

That's right, EVERY single Team Fortress map, keep in mind these are the compiled verions, but I include some source maps I was able to find out there.

-Quake Team Fortress maps (there is not a real list of maps for this game, so I choosed the ones who later were ported to TFC)​
-Every Team Fortress Classic map (even the Half-Life and Bark Dog Studios maps)​
-Every Team Fortress 2 map (even mvm_example, thought there is not an official...​

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
I'm confused; Does this mean I can play these TFC maps in TF2 now?
No, not yet. Right now this is just an archive of all the maps, I just wanted to have an organized folder with every team fortress map ever, and it's not as easy as it sounds, for example, TF2 has the map mvm_example which is not found in the vanilla game, same goes for the Half-Life maps or the Bark Dog Studio of TFC.

Beign honest is kind of pointless this archive now, but it's something i had, and just felt like sharing it, if anyone finds it interesting. I'll be updating it with more decompilations i'll make, so yeah, im kind of porting these classic maps to TF2, but right now is just the original bsp files and some vmf tiles from TF2.

Btw, here is one of the charts in the html with the TF2 gamemodes. You can ignore this stupid archive now.


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