Dune (CP) [B11]

CP Dune (CP) [B11] 11.2.0

Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B7] with a new update entry:

Sum Patchin' and Adjustin'

As previously mentioned, I reworked point E. This'll go into further detail and elaborate on the intended mechanics, as well as some brief patching mentions and changes. Images and the menu photos will be updated in due time; I'm more concerned about making the intended gameplay of Point E engaging and unique.

  • Hammer decided to be funny, and upon Saving As, messed up a lot of static props and considered them out of bounds for absolutely no reason. A...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B7] with a new update entry:

Tweak to E

Did some private testing and wasn't satisfied with the results, so now point E is more central to the middle grounds instead of on the map border. RED has more cover and access to health/ammo, while BLU loses a bit of cover. The big metal spawn door was also removed, and that really cleaned up navigation in the third BLU spawn.

Now the point is captured in 15 seconds by a Scout, with a 9 second cooldown before RED owns the point again. RED spawn waves are initially 10, while BLU is 6. Every...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B7] with a new update entry:

Beta 8

Well I certainly beefed up RED, but I really nerfed BLU's pushing power. This beta should fix the problem... boy I love balancing. :']

  • A lot of ambient generics have been removed, so hopefully that fixes the weird audio cut-outs.


  • Adjusted respawn wave times.
  • Added new routes/flanks in the First Stage.
  • Added additional teamspawn points inside spawns.
  • Fixed some...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B8] with a new update entry:

Beta 9

Eyo! I adjusted the First Stage and a tiny bit of the Final Stage. BLU should have a much easier time setting up shop on the Data Center roof with the removal of the stairs behind the Data Center, and the planks next to the front of the building. There's also a full health and ammo there for BLU Engineers to help keep their buildings alive. The Final Stage has a minor tweak of +1 second added universally to BLU's respawn waves. I'm quite frankly afraid to touch the area because it is an...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B9] with a new update entry:

Beta 10, Thanks for the Support Thus Far!

Howdy! +1K downloads, between testing and exploring the map yourselves, is much appreciated. Haven't had this stroke of success in a while, so here's to continuing to grow and get this project to a decent state for the workshop!



  • Rounds now start at 6 minutes compared to 10 minutes but cannot exceed more than 10 minutes. Capturing a point adds 8 minutes to the clock to encourage the stalemate nature.
  • More flanks, routes, and cover...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B10] with a new update entry:

Beta 11

Ey folks! Although player numbers were scarce for the last beta, and quite frankly some feedback was pretty broad, I went with what I interpreted and did some noteworthy tweaking to some stages! I'll update screenshots in due time.



  • Cap times are measured in Scout time (x2), just as a reminder!
  • The skybox has been shown a bit of love, with it being pretty level with the gameplay area now. I may add further details in the future but...

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Aug 5, 2023
Padre Snowmizzle updated Dune (CP) [B11] with a new update entry:

Tweaking Round Times for Beta 11

Ey! Minor thing: fixed a bit of clipping near RED spawn where the small health + full ammo packs are; kept getting caught in the corner between the open spawn doors. Major thing: initial round times are back at 6 minutes compared to 5, but I toned down the total amount of time BLU gets to capture a sequential point in the first two stages. Instead of getting 8 minutes when capping A or C, now BLU only gets 5. This should help RED a bit more during the earlier stages. The Final Stage, point...

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