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DM dm_babysfirst v2

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Hey man, there's already a really popular dm_ map called "dm_duel." Would highly recommend changing the name of your map to something else to both make it more memorable and to make it not have version conflicts between players.


L1: Registered
Feb 27, 2023
Hey man, there's already a really popular dm_ map called "dm_duel." Would highly recommend changing the name of your map to something else to both make it more memorable and to make it not have version conflicts between players.
oh there is? ill change it in a bit, thanks for telling!

The Asylum

I suggest looking though the tutorials forum and taking a look though map design theories. From a technical standpoint, yes, this map works, but that's unfortunately all the positives I can think of. Here's some pointers:

1. Spawnrooms. Having most of your spawnpoints all lumped together out in the open is a recipe disaster.

2. Layout. Pyros, Engineers, and Heavies are a writeoff here.

3. Concept. If this was supposed to be a map for duelling, there needs to be a lot more going on in it. See previous point

4. Effort. I know I'm walking a tightrope by bringing this up, but this map was likely not the product of any serious thought. It's good that you're learning all the technical aspects, but brainstorming a layout that all classes are useful in takes a very, very long time. Much more time than it takes to come up with an arch and a flat plane.

I'm sorry if this seems overly harsh, but that was ten minutes of my time I'll never get back.