KotH decoy


L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2010
KotH based map I'm making at the moment.
Feel free to download and test it :p
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The Whole Team

L1: Registered
Nov 4, 2009
Did a quick run through of the map and here's some things I found:

Most importantly the timer doesn't go down when you capture the point. The game will NOT work until you fix this.

Get rid of these chairs. All they will do is cause players to rage when they get stuck by backing into them.

You should try and define where you have to stand to capture the point. Most maps use hazard lines to do this.

More signs would also be useful. It was easy to get lost. Another suggestion would be making it easier for people to differentiate between red's side and blu's side.

The only high ground is available to only scouts, demo's and sollies. You way want to change this to allow for height variation which helps keep gameplay interesting. You may want to remove the water from those platforms.

Finally just have some general player clipping. Use it on your doors, your stairs and your pipes to make traversing through your level as smooth as possible. The best way to check if you've player clip well is to see if you can run along your walls without getting caught on anything.

Blu's spawn also has red control panels.

Here's some examples from Valve maps:
This is how you should playerclip your stairs, making them into fancy ramps. Its a lot smoother this way.
You want to player clip obstacles on walls so that players won't accidentally get stuck on them and die.

There's some good advice in this article: http://www.nodraw.net/2010/06/tf2-what-your-map-is-missing/