
CTF cross b1

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
cross - a Halloween CTF map with unique mirrored layout

Halloween is coming, and TF2 is lack of spooky CTF map

Intel room (asymmetrical):


-Front yard


-Main room

-Reading room

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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
Heavily rework the layout to make the inside part of the mansion more useful, and make it harder to cap the intel
+Intel area rework, now Flag runner have to climb all the way up


+Spell room rework, cut down the 2nd floor, and put Rare spell on harder to reach area

+Spawn room rework, remove the ground floor exit

+Add pumpkin bombs
+Remove some balconies
+Move the Resupply cabinets forward
+Add stuff to block sniper sightlines
+Replace the Intel for something spooky: Scrolls

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L2: Junior Member
Dec 23, 2012
First off you've got an error in console. CMaterial::precacheVars: error loading vmt file for models/props_frontline/prop_fountain . I'm not sure if it's a bug in the original Frontline model itself, that you can't fix, or a .vmt file that got missed in packing?

More importantly I know what you are going for with your changes as the intel is too close to one side. Thing is putting a pit with a tiny walk path is going to annoy players, look awkward/patched in and end up with Soldiers/Demos going for the intel disproportionately and just jumping out. You need to fix this properly with another route made equally viable to the first and really both routes need to be farther away from the enemy. As a suggestion I would go back to the cross_a1 cemetery (park, lawn or whatever it is) and build another room located under each spawn for the flags. You can add a door and stairway connected to this room on either side of it. One would come out in the wall of the cemetery and one in the wall of the room on the other side of spawn (currently the special spellbook room in a2). This would make both routes farther and more or less equidistant. Just be sure to make these paths big enough to allow dodging on them. A mausoleum themed intel room and entrance would work with your cemetery quite well and you can have the entrance on the other side with maybe a basement or secret passage aesthetic? As your map is very small it could use these new rooms too. Note both 2Fort and Doublecross have the intel room behind the spawn room. This gives players time to react and possibly stop carriers. Though don't put the intel room too far behind the spawn or you'll have stalemates like 2fort. With the new routes you could move the special spellbook to floating above the fountain requiring a jump from the balconies to get it (or remove it altogether).

Anyway I could talk about other things but they are minor compared to this. Your map has an interesting ascetic I'd hate to see go to waste, keep trying :) .
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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017

Hey thanks for the suggestion, but since I want to keep the yards as the main area of the map, and keep the layout as simple/straightforward as possible; also from the latest playtest, the gameplay was actually going the way I want (quick match, back and forth with some chasing). But you're right about the intel area being annoying, so instead of build further into the mansion, i would just keep the same concept from A2, but build a basement (Intel room) right under the yard

+Bring back the yards from A1, but build an intel room (basement) under them, with 2 entrances



+Smooth out the map
+Lower down the railling
+Remove a big chunk of Pumpkin bombs, left a few on key areas
+Move Common Spells to both Intel areas
+Some health kit/ ammo pack changes

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Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
A small quick update to the map before going to Beta phase

Remove the basement, replace it with a long hallway for the Intel room
Just to make it less awkward to fight than the basement, and obviously increase the traveling distance


Lower down the front door area (actually raise the Yard/Cemetery up)
Player using this path will have more disadvantage than the Inner

Move the Pumpkin Bombs to the outside area
Add some clipping
And other minor stuff

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47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
Ok, so, this map is actually really good looking! And it seems to play well :)

But if I were to suggest something, it would be to add a few signs in some places, because it took me way to long to find the intel. (Not too too long, but longer than it should be)