
Aug 7, 2019
Spleep updated Creakyoak with a new update entry:

[a2] point of the game

  • added a new point to the opening lobby area, which makes the scale of the map make a lot more sense
  • tweaked the opening lobby area and accompanying house to better support a control point
  • added a forward spawn for red to allow them to properly set-up on B after A cap
  • fixed the borked forward spawns on B's cap
  • closed up a sightline and high ground on the transition to C
  • merged the pier route with the building next to it to give blu a slightly less oppressive approach...

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Aug 7, 2019
Spleep updated Creakyoak with a new update entry:

honey i shrunk the map

  • increased the cap time on A and B
  • shrunk some of the larger, emptier spaces on the map
  • shrunk C and nerfed the window route to try and allow red to have a solid defense
  • manually clipped the C boat to allow sentries to be placed on it and to alleviate some bad collisions.
  • moved some health kits and ammo around
  • added signs for both blu and red to better guide players to the point
  • added an extra route that opens after B is capped to give blu team more approaches and...

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