

L1: Registered
May 11, 2008
Afternoon, all.

After finding a very useful tutorial here via Google, I decided to join up in order to see if I could get some feedback on a map I've been working on for the past 2 weeks.


The map's name is Bombing Run, although that came off the top of my head as a basic descriptor of what is happening in the map, so like everything in the map, it's not yet final. Bombing run takes place in an area with 3 small factories that conveniently produce the three required components of a bomb. Having set up bases nearby and tapped into the power grid that supplies the three factories, RED and BLU must wrestle for control over these three factories to destroy the base of the other.

The map is (as you can tell by the name) a hybrid CP/CTF map, involving capturing the three factories in CP style and then running into the heart of the enemy base to deposit the brand new 'bomb' (or intelligence).

Current issues include the CP HUD, which makes the CTF section a little difficult for both teams without some actual communication and scouting around (unfixable unless I remove the CTF element); lack of peak optimisation, due to beta status (totally fixable, later); and a criminal lack of pretty (I'll get to it).

The most important part of the map's play is the final push with the intelligence/bomb. Once the bomb is picked up, the attackers had better form up and act like a team, because if the bomb is dropped and is allowed to return, the defenders automatically reacquire the CP nearest to them, giving them a boost that may allow for a counterattack.

Screenshot Walkthrough:


The map starts with you leaving the base in search of factories to capture.


You head out through the factory you've already taken, and see the neutral factory.


The control point in the neutral factory. Take it.


The enemy factory, as seen from the neutral one. Several entrances to this one.


All you do is capture this one and...


BAM! Instant bomb. That looks suspiciously like an intel briefcase. Never mind.


The end is in sight, just deposit the bomb in their basement and this'll all be over.


Move up through the eerily empty-looking base.


And drop into the basement to place your care package onto the pedestal.

For the Future:

The main sections that will be added/improved in the final release:

  • Valve-style inaccessible dioramas will replace some of the blank wall sections, as they look terrible.
  • When the bomb is delivered, explosions will actually happen. I'll set up some env_*whatever* entities to make the map end go off with a bang rather than a whimper.
  • Soundscapes. I really need to add some of these. Silent maps are kinda creepy.
  • Lots more props to occlude some firing lines and make the place look nice.
  • I'll run through the whole map with hints, area portals and occluders to make the thing run faster on older machines.
  • Probably think of a new name.
So yeah. Any thoughts at all, feedback, places where I could get some gameplay testing, anything at all, just drop a comment.


L1: Registered
Jan 8, 2008
looks to be a good idea, i got some problems with the design to me it looks like 3 factories in the middle with the bases at each end? well.. its just a straight line? i mean... put some twists and turns in there its just too dull & also its way too open, the walk between the buildings wide..OPEN. inside the factory in the middle..Open. and the base design where the intel is put is just 4 entrances walls @ the corners.

i understand this is still early process but this is just c&c dont take it harshly i hope you do well on this map and maybe itll turn out good with some hardwork and more gameplay design.


L3: Member
Feb 15, 2008
Sounds good.

The only thing is make sure it is clear what is going on. Eg, the capping of points THEN intel, but the intel is going the wrong way...

Sounds good but some maps like these don't get played cause the average joe doesn't understand how they work (2 examples are ctf_rock, and ccp_circlejerk, I like these maps but they are sometimes hard to follow especially when you see them for the first time.

Make sure it is well signed etc and this shouldn't be a problem :)


Dec 5, 2007
Going to go quite critical here, bear with me:
- Most indoor areas look too dark, way too dark
- Scale up that cliff texture to 0.75 ish (in both dimentions, probably best to make its wider rather than taller) It repeats WAY WAY too often
- Change the wooden wall for something that is a little less 'blatant goldrush' copy, its making you look less creative and original
- The outsides of your buildings look a bit unrealistic. second screenshot - That big white building just doesn't look right, the balcony and the thing sticking out the top, it just looks wierd


L1: Registered
May 11, 2008
Cheers for the feedback. I need gameplay feedback more than graphical, but I forgot to put a link to where it can be downloaded, so that's my fault really. I'll take Youme's ideas on board especially, I need specific criticism for areas that I can change, so I can change them, but the problems he's listed are easily fixable (I knew I'd seen the walls before, I just couldn't remember where. I really need to play more.), so I can get on those right away. Lights too, I know they're dark, but so far I've focused on getting the gameplay right, so everything just needed to be visible, rather than dramatic.

The map's not a straight line, it's a dogleg for both sides. In retrospect, I probably should have posted a screenshot from far above, really, but I guess I forgot. It was 4:50 in the morning when I posted, I tend to get a little absentminded around 2-ish.

And, yeah, I intend on releasing the final version with a gameplay video like the official maps. Not as polished, you understand, I'm no video editor, but it'll get the idea of the map across. From the (extremely limited) playtesting I did with a bunch of friends, I only needed to say what the point of the map was once, and they seemed to need nothing else. Whether people actually watch the explanation videos is another matter entirely.

I think I'll probably work on the geometry a bit more before posting more screens. I created pretty much all of the geometry over a period of 2 days, where I didn't sleep very much. But yeah, any more comments at all, please let me know so I can change things.

One last thing, in case you're curious, the map can be found here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D6C0E0RW in the version seen in the screenshots. Might help people get a better feel for how the level flows.