
CP cp_tungsten a10


L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


added some pickups near entrance to A-house
illuminated blu forward spawn, the spiral-flank and right red entrance at A-house
rerouted spiral-flank to lead into A-house rather than outside of it
upgraded the health kit beneath A-house to a full and relocated it
added a crate prop in A-house to hide a sightline
shrunk left red-entrance into A-house to hide a sightline

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


added light into blu spawn
change texture of glass of the angled building to make it less non-existent
modified the displacement of gravel at the drop to prevent stuckage
reduced starting time from 360 to 300
increased time granted from capping A from 200 to 250
added a player-clip trimp ramp off of the rock at blu spawn
textured blu second spawn doors to be regular metal and added doors that hide them

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


removed the triangle
added some more pickups located on the top path way into the A-point house
made a ramp a long the top path into the A-point house stretch from wall-to-wall
removed clipping ontop of the window outcrop structure of A-point house
shortened the wall on the A-point house to help signify that it is scalable
modified displacement at bottom of drop to prevent stuckage
modifed the rock stairs down the drop to hide a sightline
extended the prop fence to provide a bit more cover...

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


Modified blu spawn
Modified the back path of blu spawn to lead to the same area as the main path
Modified the broken wall path to now be a full cave
Removed small ammo pack in A-house
Added a medium ammopack in A-house
Removed the snow wall and added a func_respawnroomvisualizer to the conveyerbelt drop
Hopefully fixed the resup minecart collision
Removed a sightline created from the stone slope
Fixed some Z-fighting

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


Raised window in Red B-house so snipers can't stand on a tele to get a busted sightline
Resup Minecart:
Goes otherway around the track
Dispenser level increased from 1 -> 3
Improved collision so it doesn't get stuck when players stand on it sometimes (hopefully)
Removed some geometry on the roof of B
Reduced the length of the hole path in B
Reworked flank B-house
Extended a woodfence to block a sightline
Added a ramp upto the little ledge outside of red last spawn + a small...

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L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
Hadull updated cp_tungsten with a new update entry:


Ramp now go all the way
Added a small healthkit outside of blu spawn tucked away in the rocks
Properly illuminated the building that is blus back route
Pushed the rock formation at the outlet of blus backroute further into the wall to make space
Cave entrance to A-house is reworked
Change the texture of the little platform thing outside of A-house to wood
Resup Cart:
Moves slower (333 -> 250)
Makes noise as a minecart should
Raised the path_track loop

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