

L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 26, 2009
Looks great man, I think you just need a bit more detailing outside (obviously the displacement work will come later, but a few stray booze bottles and rocks couldn't hurt) and you should probably take a look at this


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Thanks for the post Tapp - since the last update the map has been massively updated and detailed, the CP area is larger and does include the neutral version of that drill you showed (I was told about it before your post :) ). And the bases have been completely redesigned, RED base is almost finished and should be ready for a playtest in a few days!


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 16, 2009
Thanks for the small play tests! There is a small lag issue whenever a player exits the spawn rooms via the main entrance and looks directly across the map, that's because I forgot to add much in the way of optimization, which will be included in the next version - it'll hopefully be the final version (if all goes well)

Sorry about the delay between the previous update, work is slow as I recently started College and have been recently making basic plans for my second map which I will start mapping after this is completed.
Also, if you play test this map on any smaller servers - please try to get me a Source recorder demo so I can watch and see what happens :)