CP_Badlands - What do you think?

Scotland Tom

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 19, 2008
Alright, I took a solo tour through the new Badlands today. Here are my thoughts so far:

At first glance I thought, "This looks absolutely nothing like classic Badlands." Obviously it's CP instead of CTF, that's not what I'm talking about. The original badlands was basically two bases and a bunch of rocks in between. This new CP version has buildings everywhere, all kinds of new details... essentially tons of stuff that really separates it from the classic version. I'm fairly certain that a lot of TFC players will take one glance at this and proclaim that Valve screwed up their precious map. But let's leave Badlands classic out of this for the moment. CP_Badlands looks incredible. A few new textures and props, along with judicial use of the current texture sets, a great looking 3D skybox, and a wonderfully imaginative re-invention of the map makes this thing look incredible. Aesthetically, Badlands is top-notch.

Now, though this map looks nothing like the original, a run through (or a spectate through) the map reveals that the avenues of travel are actually surprisingly similar. There are two main exits out of the bases with a short bridge in front. There's a very long bridge crossing in the center, as well as avenues of attack from below. Anyone familiar with Badlands classic should already have a handle on the basic lay of the map. The major issue will come in with the architectural differences. Again, the way in which the map has been built will probably confuse the crap out of a lot of people. There are certainly unfamiliarities here, as well as some small additions that transform Badlands into a complex battlefield. It will certainly take anyone a few run throughs to understand how battles will unfold, what works and what doesn't.

So, overall, the map looks good, and seems to be designed very similarly to the original. Yes it's CP and yes it's constructed in a far different manner, but it looks like the gameplay is there. Though some people may already be tired of the same old desert type theme, Valve seems to have developed a fresh take on the desert location that looks nice and should play well.


Dec 5, 2007
Well I wasn't confused, although it did take me a second or two to get my bearings. As you say this is a beautiful map and I'm loving the new props and textures, and the 3D skybox is similar to the one you need in blu_mesa (for the reason the mountainy things are mesas...)
Gameplay is reasonably good admittedly its not like the original, but who cares? this ISN'T TFC this is TF2 things have changed, evolved, grown up a bit. The middle CPis quite a good point to both attack and defend along with the final points, lots of sentery points and lots of places to outwit the senteries. Plenty of places to snipe from, and countersnipe[or blow the fecker up with a rocket]. The two spiral CPs, I'll need to play it a bit more before I can really comment on these, my first impression was "OMG I'm so gunna fall off and fail" but no, I found I didn't fall off and I didn't utterly fail, although having to go around about 270 then come back 270 does leave you wide open to attack from all angles. These points didn't seem exessivly easy to capture or defend so I guess they are pretty rounded (totaly intended).

Overall 4.5 out of 5


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2008
It's ok, simple layout that to me feels more like trying to stem a fragfest jsut enough so they cant cap final cp. If it was objective orientated for blue team then it could be just aother stage of dustbowl. I think the whole desert scene is getting dull and repetetive, and the map itself is quite bland apart from a few new radioactive barrels.

Nothing like badlands they should have used a different name. 7.5 maybe 8/10 if it was released by a custom maker


L1: Registered
Jan 31, 2008
It's -totally- different from badlands.. Pretty much the name is just a homage. Buster would definitely do well to make the finishing touches to classic and have it out there. :)


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
Yea its very diffrent. It looks very good though. I only hate the 2nd control point on the little mountain, thats really really bad level design imho, too narrow, it feels a bit random imho.

Pad See Ew

L1: Registered
Dec 1, 2007
I liked it, generally. But I didn't like the Cap Spires, they look tacked on.


Dec 5, 2007
I thought the spiral cap point model was a little pink, it didn't quite fit in with the other texture colours.

But overall, as I say I enjoy it, so it looks nothing like the tfc badlands but as I also implied: IF YOU WANT THE ORIGINAL BADLANDS, GO PLAY TFC NOT TF2
Now that has been said stop complaining that its so different, review it for what it is.
Oct 25, 2007
Comparing it to Valve's other 5 point CP maps, I prefer Badlands over CP_Granary, and about as much as CP_Well.

I really like the how the three outside CPs are raised over the playing field. It creates nice strategic points. The secondary spawn points are well executed as well. I find the map scales well, no matter if you're playing two-on-two or twelve-on-twelve.

The bases are small and pretty simple, but I guess there was really no need to make them bigger or more complex.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2008
I really quite like it and I had a blast on it last night. Granted, I never played Classic so I don't have that experience to compare to, which is both good and bad, I think. But at any rate, we had a great time on that map. First game or two were pretty fast and furious as we were still trying to figure out the map and those who resorted to tried-and-true-but-cheap (my opinion) spy and scout capture tactics blasted through the points. However, we quickly hit a stride where we were getting tactics and strategies down and we wound up going back and forth across the map quite a bit. There's some very good defense strategies and some great opportunities for flanking and other offensive strategies. It seemed like, especially in the center, your team had to really be very fluid and the situation could change quickly, which was fun. The spiral capture points were a bit odd, I admit. Mainly I think it's tricky because the path up is pretty narrow and counter-intuitive due to the switchback in the middle. However, remember that this doesn't matter much for scouts and not much at all for a demo or soldier, who can just hop up there and ignore the twisty path.

I tried out all my usual classes and found good uses for all of them. All in all, I had a lot of fun on it. Maybe it's just the novelty, but then again, I don't always have a lot of fun on new custom maps, so all in all I think it's a very nice map! A lot better than... say... taking a stock map and switching it from cp to ctf. :bored:


Resident Bum
Nov 2, 2007
Now that has been said stop complaining that its so different, review it for what it is.

I think that if you name a map "Badlands" when there was an older Team Fortress map CALLED Badlands, then it should very closely parallel the original map.

If you want to re-invent an old Team Fortress map, change the name in some way.

Also, many people see the better graphics in TF2 and think it would be fun to play the old maps they really liked with better graphics, which I think justifies a near direct port in some cases.


Dec 5, 2007
If it was an exact copy but more shiney to cope with the new engine I'd be pretty pissed. Because I didn't pay for TFC remade. I paid for TF2. Seriously think about it, if you bought TF2 and it was exactly the same as TFC but with better graphics you'd be pissed off too.

Scotland Tom

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 19, 2008
I think the reason Valve has decided to name these new maps after the classic maps is because they want to give a nod to what's inspired them. Again, if you really take a look at the main avenues of attack in CP_Badlands, it's obvious that the layout is very similar in most respects. Naming it Badlands is a good way to maintain some tradition and pay some respect to the original version.

Think of it this way. You've got TFC_CTF_Badlands and you've got TF2_CP_Badlands. Two very distinct maps that share some basic similarities. You can't compare, you have to take them both on their own. Now that I've played a few rounds in the new Badlands I can happily say that I highly enjoy the gameplay. It's intense, it's strategic, and it throws plenty of surprises at you. I find it a very unique experience and a fine addition to TF2. My top 3 maps are now, in order: Dustbowl, Badlands, and Gravel Pit.


L3: Member
Dec 31, 2007
What is happening is valve is taking the names and basic themes and using them in there new maps. This is great for new players who have never played TFC, as they wont know the difference. This is TERRIBLE for those who have played tfc and waited 10 years!!! for tf2. Because frankly, by making new maps that resemble NOTHING in terms of gameplay or strategy, they are taking a big shit on the maps that tfc fans have loved.

If it was an exact copy but more shiney to cope with the new engine I'd be pretty pissed. Because I didn't pay for TFC remade. I paid for TF2. Seriously think about it, if you bought TF2 and it was exactly the same as TFC but with better graphics you'd be pissed off too

Uh not really, tf2 is basically tfc with more focused gameplay and team mechanics. ctf_2fort is an near EXACT replica in terms of layout but with all new graphics, its also probably the best TF2 map out there. So fine dont remake the other maps, but dont steal there names and make a shitty watered down CP map. This has seriously ruined Buster Charlies marketing for his map, as people will assume CTF_Badlands is CP_badlands but with flags, similiar to Ctf_well. Seriously not cool to shit on those classic maps!



L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2008
I think that if you name a map "Badlands" when there was an older Team Fortress map CALLED Badlands, then it should very closely parallel the original map.

If you want to re-invent an old Team Fortress map, change the name in some way.

Also, many people see the better graphics in TF2 and think it would be fun to play the old maps they really liked with better graphics, which I think justifies a near direct port in some cases.

I agree. Look at cs: source and dod:source. they made dust2 and avalanche the same. still great maps. still great games.

If it was an exact copy but more shiney to cope with the new engine I'd be pretty pissed. Because I didn't pay for TFC remade. I paid for TF2. Seriously think about it, if you bought TF2 and it was exactly the same as TFC but with better graphics you'd be pissed off too.

That is why they should make entirely new maps. Then give those new maps NEW names. Is 2fort not the same as it was in TFC? Dustbowl is pretty damn close to the exact same also very much more than badlands and well. If they named badlands something better like "two random spirals in the middle of the desert" that would be better. They should remake the old maps to look better and change a few little things like 2fort's sewer to make it better. thats it. AND make new maps. I actually wouldn't be pissed if I bought TF2 and it was exactly the same as TFC but with better graphics because TFC was great.

I also do not like how the last caps are so quick. Not even enough time to shoot them or step on the point.
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Resident Bum
Nov 2, 2007
I know when I bought DoD:S I was hoping for at least some more resemblance to DoD, but they changed things that did not need to get changed.

I mean seriously in DoD from HL1 each team had different, but balanced weapons. In DoD:S they basically gave each team the same weapons and reskinned them. As for Avalanche, they made changes to what was a perfect map, and turned it into some pansy imitation of the original map.

I can understand the frustration of the people who played TFC and are now playing TF2 maps with the same names but drastically different designs.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2008
Only thing I hate about DoDS is that not everyone has a pistol and knife/spade!!!! That kills me. ruined DoD. The maps and graphics are pretty good but then again they changed the maps. I liked the wall jagd was. I like the new jagd but like I was saying give it a new name and remake the whole jagd with just better details.

It is called badlands. it should be bandlands! not something completely different. cp_mound or something.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2008
oh I was playing this map the other day and someone found a glitch. They were building sentry guns under the ground by the 3rd cap. lame.