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Conquest Prefab V3


L2: Junior Member
Nov 15, 2022
Funicular submitted a new resource:

3CP Domination Prefab - Its like battlefield, but with more classes!

This is an heavily edited version of Jack5's domination prefab
i rebuilt the prefab vmf, changed the logic a little bit and added a .res file for player destruction, with gives the HUD for the gamemode a modern clean look.
View attachment 214202

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L1: Registered
Aug 18, 2023
Having played a couple of maps in this game mode I have a couple of grievances.

First of which is the points counting for the team with the minority of points. This would probably not feel so bad if we were fighting over 6 points or so, but with only 3 points it means if you have a high enough score to where the enemy needs to capture all 3 points in order to win your team can just rest on their laurels and hard defend one of the points and walk into victory.

Secondly, I have heard a lot of people in these matches suggest that contested points. don't count for the enemy's score. This would slow down the chaotic pacing and give the losing team a benefit for almost capturing a point, as the closer you were to capping the longer it will take for the enemy to get their point back. Though there'd have to be a pretty quick decay time or allow reverting capture progress by standing on the base.

Thirdly and I know the map makers have control over this but they'll probably use the prefab default. The capture time feels a bit short, it leads to this ring around the Rosie gameplay where your team pushes into one point and all that needs to happen is a spy or scout goes onto an empty control point and back caps. This is also why holding 3 points as the losing team is kind of an unrealistic expectation.

Please let me know what you think!

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
After loading it up and capping the points on con_amberpeaks_a1b, the point counting sound got really grating to listen to. Is there any chance you could disable it aside from like, milestones or something?