Changing the speed of the goldrush cart?

Lord Ned

L420: High Member
Feb 11, 2008
I haven't looked at the entities all to well yet, but I'm wondering if i can slow down a cart.

The idea is having a wooden boat instead of a cart and pushing it though a level. However I want to have some variation in Z axis (So it's not all one big water brush. ;)) I want them to have to push it up onto land and "drag" it along.

But I want it to move slower then normal. Is there anyway (A multiplier prehaps?) to determin how fast it moves?


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 31, 2008
You could make like one of those log flume rides, float through water, then goes up one of those belts that goes 'tick-tick-tick', then when it's way up it goes down a steep slop really fast and everyone gets wet!

And have 'It's a small world after all' playing everywhere.
Dec 25, 2007
in your tracktrains path_track points you can set the speed at each point to use until the next point. Just adjust the speed before and after the land to decrease the speed as needed and you should be good to go.

That won't work if the blue team stops pushing the bomb during the slow bit and starts pushing it again -- it'll start moving at the normal speed then.

Assuming you're using the standard pl setup, here's what you need to do differently:

Create a second logic_case, and call it bomb_logiccase_slow. It should be the same as bomb_logiccase, but tell the bomb to move at lower speeds.

Now create a second math_remap, call it bomb_remap_slow; give it the same settings as bomb_remap except the target for its output should be bomb_logiccase_slow. Make sure bomb_remap_slow starts disabled.

Now create two logic_relay entities. Call the first one bomb_relay_slow and the other bomb_relay_normal. Make sure bomb_relay_normal starts disabled. Set up the following outputs on bomb_relay_slow:
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_remap -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_remap_slow -> Enable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_relay_slow -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_relay_normal -> Enable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_caparea -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_caparea -> Enable -> After 0.1 seconds

And the following outputs on bomb_relay_normal:
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_remap -> Enable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_remap_slow -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_relay_slow -> Enable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_relay_normal -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_caparea -> Disable
  • OnTrigger -> bomb_caparea -> Enable -> After 0.1 seconds

Finally, on the path_track where you want the bomb to slow down, and also on the one where you want it to go back to normal speed, add the following outputs:

  • OnPass -> bomb_relay_normal -> Trigger
  • OnPass -> bomb_relay_slow -> Trigger

Lord Ned

L420: High Member
Feb 11, 2008
And If I wanted a fast area? (like it was sliding down water or a slope)