Can a custom HUD redesign the main menus?


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I've been toying with the idea of a redesigned menu system for some time, particularly to make it more accessible for controller setups like Valve's more recent games, and now that Valve wants people playing their games on handhelds, now seems like the best time to take action. I know that it's possible to build and install modded HUDs into the game, but I've only ever seen them used to reskin the main in-game overlay. I was wondering if the main menu—and I mean the entire UI, with the options menus and everything—could be redesigned this way, or if I'm better off just submitting mockups and hoping Valve can be assed to take it from there.

And if it can, where would you recommend going to read up on how to make custom huds? I admittedly know nothing about it right now but one thing I do have a lot of is free time to learn.