calculatedChaos customPromo


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
calculatedChaos has opened a third server called calculatedChaos customPromo. This server will be used to promote custom maps with a limited fixed rotation. It will have a more serious atmosphere then our two other servers. All talk will not always be on and valve maps will have a home in some of our rotations.

Map rotations can be submitted in the forum by anyone. Rotations can range anywhere from a single map to a dozen plus related maps. There are some general guidelines that must be followed when submitting a map rotation so keep them in mind.

A little bit closer to the contest end date, I will be running this server with a rotation of all of the contest maps so that everyone will be able to jump in and play 24 hours a day.

The server is based in Denver. The current rotation for at least the next week (or until someone submits a suitable alternative) is:
* ctf_2fort
* pl_goldrush
* ctf_orient_b3
* pl_badwater
* ctf_turbine
* pl_repository_rc2

This is a fixed rotation with no RTV to promote orient and repository, two of our favorite custom maps at the moment.

If any of you have any good ideas for possible map rotation, feel free to post them on my forum.



Server IP:
Feb 14, 2008