-why are those pots all the way up there? There's no kitchen in blu spawn nor any ladders to get to them.
-boxes in the far off door visibly fade out here
-double doors does not mean double door frames
-blu sign is cut off
-door is stuck in wall
-everything about these wagons is big and thick and weird. Feels like a smaller prop that was sized up instead of being the proper size to begin with. Looks very off and doesn't mesh with the rest of the maps visual design
-tables have weird light reflections
-so much beamwork in this map is ridiculously thick
-floating coffin
-ramp could use some better clipping
-you can get stuck on these doors throughout the map. Either disable collision or clip them smooth
-this logo doesn't fit the old west theme
-Is this a weed joke cause they are pots and they are high?
-weird fog stuff with the windows
looks like the room in the back of the saloon has an area portal that visibly fades in and out and closes
-this space doesn't really feel like a saloon at all even though it's labeled as such. Where's the bar? Where's the piano? Where are the upstairs rooms for people to get their freak on in?
-damn those beams are thicc, them some thicc ass beams