CP Brewery


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2011
Phew! I'm back after a far-too-long hiatus from my mediocre mapping skills! Do you care? Neither do I, so back to the map...

Story:Set (or to be set rather) inside an abandoned liqueur plant deep inside the Teufort Mountains, the rival companies RED and BLU scramble to control the plant and restore their dangerously-sober Demomen to a healthy drunken heap.

Design Theory: There were some things that I didn't really plan out (actually quite alot of said things), so forgive me if I skip over large portions of the map. I am also no master designer; if my logic seems suspiscious, off or downright wrong, it probably is.

The middle was designed in a similar manner to Granary in that the point itself is exposed and relatively open, but i've toned down the height advantage so that Soldiers and Demomen aren't as dominant as they otherwise would be. Admittedly the resemblance to Granary was coincidental; I merely sketched out the design on paper and noticed the similarity when mapping it out.

The "garage" is based on Granary's version and the lobby of Badlands, although I slanted it downwards to (hopefully) make pushing easier and I added the barrel rack for both aesthetics and as some marginal cover. The upper lobby was very much based off of Badlands and was made to help people on the balcony to withdraw, as well as giving a height advantage to the attackers (I also thought it would be conducive to rollouts).

The seemingly random barrels on the 2nd point balcony were made to minimize the sniping risk from defenders at spawn from the overhead tunnel area. The tunnel itself was designed less as a pushing place for the attackers and more so as a place for the defenders to push out. It could be used for an alternate route, but I decided that it would be to hard to get through under normal circumstances and so I added the underground tunnel and the barrel rack tunnel.

The tunnels for pushing to last were designed so as to give the attackers many options from which to push while still allowing the defenders to push out effectively. Spawns were places wherever I felt were good branching points while not being too far forward; health/ammo packs were placed wherever I felt they would be needed in what I envisioned would be heavily contested areas.

Aesthetics currently don't have that much rhyme or reason to them, i'll be working on them throughout the alpha and beta (e.g. filling up the big empty room at 2nd)

Please note that many of the props, brushes, textures, lights, etc. are placeholders and will be changed eventually.

Areas Of Concern:These are things that I am currently concerned about gameplay wise. There are probably more issues, but off the top of my head i'm worried about:

Not enough routes for pushing Mid/2nd
Map Size is Too Small
Routes are too small
Cap Times (Too long? Too Short?)
Spawn Positions
Classes Being too Powerful

I'd very much appreciate any constructive criticism for my map, and suggestions are welcome :)
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Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011



L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
I'm pretty sure the block faces touching the void shouldn't be getting rendered.
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Sep 11, 2013
Not only should the top faces touching the void not be rendered, which means your map is sealed poorly, but you can also use cl_leveloverview x for better overviews, where x is a positive integer (decimals are ok) to create an overview. It's what CS games use for minimap creation.


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2011
Thanks for the tips guys, and I actually do have a skybox around that, although it's a half-baked hollow box unoptimized skybox that I need to change anyway.

Anyway, moving on from the screenshot...


L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
If the whole map is indoors, there's no need for an entire skybox. Just put a thin block with the skybox texture behind all the windows and you get the same effect, and your map is much better optimised.


Sep 11, 2013
...and then the brushes would be touching the void, whereas right now they aren't, because they are in a box. Thus ends a lesson in semantics.


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2011
Updated to a2, and I still haven't added in those windows on last yet :D Besides that unfortunate turn of procrastination, i've made a few changes to gameplay that you can see in the changelog .

...i'd also appreciate some comments related to the gameplay of the map and not the screenshots/optimization this time around.
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L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2011
Updated to a3, and still a surprising lack of windows and an even less significant amount of optimization. Oh well, they will come...

EDIT: OH GOD THE HATE! ( http://feedback.tf2maps.net/map/cp_brewery_a3/) On a more serious note, i'd like to thank all the testers for giving me a wake up call and making me see the light of my map currently being a boring as **** box. I have a few plans for changing the layout...and I figure that any factory needs to have somewhere to pick up the goods.Would anyone else enjoy 2nd outside? (and no, I am not naive enough to think that sole change will be enough).
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Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
A 5cp with three points indoors and two points outdoors? Now there's something I don't recall ever seeing before. The only one I know of that even has mid inside at all is Well, and that barely even counts.


L1: Registered
Aug 26, 2011
Sounds like i've got a plan then :)

The Plan :eek:
- Drastic changes to 2nd (moved outside, widened, redesigned point, displacement floor, etc.)
- Will add some route to get to the balcony from mid (probably crates against the boxes or something cliched like that)
- Changes to routes as needed
- Maybe add the 3D skybox?
- Begin indoor/outdoor detailing
- Point redesign as necessary
- Clipping as needed
- Continue to stick to original plan
- Add windows
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