-Centered spawns and spawn doors.
-Changed pillars/cover to better fit theme.
-Extended the lower door up and moved the ramp forward.
-Made lower brighter.
-Removed full ammo pack.
-Moved spawns forward 200 units.
-Changed small HP pack on the left to a Medium.
-Extended rollout and removed the door.
-Removed the small HP/Ammo in rollout.
-Made lobby less wide by 300 units.
-Added a medium ammo pack to assist a Sentry location.
-Removed medium HP and Ammo on spiral.
-Changed small HP to medium.
-Added lights into the 2nd forward spawn.
-Added stairs to get from lowers to main.
-Added skilljump to get from lowers to spiral.
-Removed cover near 1st forward spawn.
-Added more cover to the spire.
-Improved clipping on the fences.
-Changed Stairs from props to brushes to alleviate clipping issues.
-Extended fences to the wall, no solided the models and bulletblocked the bottom portion.
-Expanded mid out 128hmu
-Added a new path to mid
-Moved health/ammo in the connector.
-Moved pathways on the inside of the houses closer to mid
-Made the side pathway smaller
-Added HP/Ammo Overlays.
-Upped brightness of the inside light prefab.
-Changed environment lighting.
-No Jungle textures.
-Moved respawn visualizers behind the doors.
-Heightened skybox by 192 units.
-Func_detailed a lot of things.
With a new PC comes more mapping from me. Beefed up and full of energy I hope I can push this map far.
As for other stuff i'm working on, I can finally make the TC map for the contest, so look forward to that. And I've got an update for Stage 2 of Utilia I have been itching to get out and trying so hard to not leak. Soon™
Read the rest of this update entry...