Auto Money Collecting in MvM


L1: Registered
Feb 25, 2022
While working on a MvM map, I wanted to incorporate an automatic money collecting system, as it is not the usual "Defend X area from bots" but rather a "Bots are coming for you, survive as long as you can" type. Not having to collect money constantly encourages you to shoot more instead of always asking yourself "where's that $4 at?".

After weeks of searching and testing, I've finally found a (so far) reliable way to achieve this : through the use of a 'trigger_hurt' and a 'filter_activator_class'
Here's a step by step method :
1/ Create a 'filter_activator_class' entity, and name it to whatever you want ("filter_money" will be used in this tutorial)

2/ Leave 'Filter Mode' to 'Allow entities that match criteria', while in the 'Filter Classname' case write 'item_currencypack_custom'. This is the entity that acts as the money drops in MvM.

3/ Create a 'trigger_hurt' entity that covers your entire playable map (as well as outside areas where money could possibly end up dropping).
3b/ [ If you don't know how to make one, make a brush using the 'tools/toolstrigger', then press CTRL + T to make it a brush entity. In the 'Class' list, type or search for 'trigger_hurt' and voilà!]

4/ Change these properties of your trigger :
Name[name of your trigger] (useful if you want to toggle it ON/OFF)
Filter Name[name of your filter, here it's 'filter_money']
Damage0 (don't forget it, otherwise Engineers won't be able to place buildings at all inside your trigger)

5/ And BOOM! All of the money dropped from the bots will be automatically given to every player in the match.

Few jank will still exist however, mainly if a Scout is in range of the money before it's picked up, the money will be transferred to him rather than the map (which may lead to it getting stuck).

While I understand it may not be useful to a lot of mappers, after spending weeks searching for a viable answer that doesn't requiere scripts or plugins, I hope this will help someone at least! Any feedback is appreciated!