Attrition Prefab

Attrition Prefab v2


Jun 22, 2016
Gruppy submitted a new resource:

Attrition Prefab - 5cp + Arena

Gamemode Rules:

To win, teams must either kill all members of the enemy team OR capture the main point.
Teams start with a respawn timer of 30 seconds. 10 seconds are added to the timer after every respawn wave.
After 15 seconds all points on the map become unlocked.
Middle point starts neutral and can be capped by either team to respawn teammates.
Red and Blue Forward points provide 10 secs of crits to teams that cap them.

Includes vscript that disables first blood crits and the arena...

Read more about this resource...


Jun 22, 2016
Gruppy updated Attrition Prefab with a new update entry:


- Gamemode no longer uses arena, had issues with people joining mid round.
- Changed the way respawns work, respawn waves now start at 5 seconds and increase by 5 every 60 seconds until it hits 6 refires.
- Created custom hud icons to show what the points do.
- Added hud timer that counts up to 60 mins. (Rounds hopefully shouldn't take that long)
- Changed some times it takes to cap points.

Read the rest of this update entry...