Asylum Megamix

Asylum Megamix 2022-04-01


The Asylum

The Asylum submitted a new resource:

Asylum Megamix - The Best of the Worst


It's been a long road. Let's experience a blast from the past in a whirlwind medley of Asylum's greatest hits (and misses!)


Private Idle
Pipeball Classic
DM Melee Fort

And a little taste of a long-awaited map, and more!

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The Asylum

Just finished watching the demo, I thought it went pretty well without me having to explain things.

One of the maps I wanted to include was Spaceball, another long forgotten Asylum map. Things were coming down to the wire. One map had to go in time to get this finished, and it sure as fuck wasn't going to be Melee Fort or Pipeball.

Maybe next year we can have Asylum MegaMegamix? Maybe...

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Did you happen to get the idea for this map's name from Fighters Megamix on the Sega Saturn? >w>

The Asylum

I was thinking more like the musical term. Originally I was going to call it the Asylum Suite, but I thought "Megamix" would be a much more universal word.

The Asylum

so apparently the EU server ran this too

To address the complaint that the Pipeball Ultra stage was heavily weighted in RED's favor, well, yes. That was the point. Let me explain: For those that haven't been following the Pipeball Ultra thread in Mapping Discussion, the "Bonus Rooms," as I like to call them, are something special. Kind of like the final point defense in Hydro. Once a goal is scored in the main rink (in this case, it would have been BLU that scored on RED), the "Bonus round" begins, which is RED's goal defense. Instead of one regular point, the bonus goal is worth two points, and BLU has only 30 seconds to score before the bonus round ends and everyone gets kicked back onto the main rink. That, and a team that wins two bonus rounds in a row wins the entire game, so no, it's not supposed to be easy for BLU.

Did it play out the way I had hoped it would? Well....... close enough. I found that RED had more difficulty getting the ball out from behind the defensive pillars that I had put there to aide them instead of hinder them, than it was for BLU to get the ball behind them anyway.

And yes, the wall does break. I promise you, it does break.

The Asylum

Soooooo yeah, this might not be dead after all

To put it bluntly, my 2023 is going to be absolutely fucking bonkers. Not Michael Douglas in Falling Down bonkers, but, well, it might be close. Just close enough that I might get a sliver of free time that isn't spent working or on a pitiful amount of what could only be charitably described as "sleep." Just as this was born of me not having anything else for April Foolsday, it might be making a comeback next year.

I got to thinking, what if it was possible to actually win this dumb map? Fun fact, that actually was the original idea, but I just didn't have the time to implement it. You guys have no idea just how down to the wire this was. Now that I have another four months from now until April (so that gives me maybe a few hours total?), I think I can work that in somehow. Here's my idea:

Private Idle is still Private Idle, wirh maybe a shorter stay. Checkpoint and Pipeball Classic will run to a first to two caps/goals respectively instead of just two in total. And instead of DM Melee Fort, we swap that out for KOTH Melee Fort, with timers set for, oh I don't know, 1:30 on the clocks instead of 3 minutes. And to keep things fair, instead of Pipeball Ultra's goal defense, let's see if I can make my ill-fated SD QBert map a little less... stupid. To micro-size it, how about instead of controlling an entire pyramid, there's just one, and whichever team holds the most squares after a short time wins the stage.

So all that time, we'll have a PD HUD keeping track of how many "maps" a team has won. And, much like Pipeball Classic, whichever team wins 3 wins the entire game. If it's a 2-2 tie after QBert (or whatever I shoehorn in there instead), then I suppose I could make my Museum an actual level with an objective of some kind.

This is all very much preliminary brainstorming, and wether or not I actually have the time to do all this before April is still very much up in the air. But still, something to think about. You know, in case my life ever does get marginally less shitty.
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The Asylum

nope, guess none of that is happening. As it is now, megamix_asylum_a2 is very, very big. Too big, actually, for any compiler to handle. I mean, asylum_megamix was already gigantic, but my much necessary expansions of the museum has finally pushed it over the tipping point.

Though, taking the museum and making a completely different map out of it, however, well, maybe...