
ARENA Almazara a2

Entropy (She/Her)

L1: Registered
Nov 17, 2023
Entropy (She/Her) submitted a new resource:

Almazara - Precious as liquid australium

All the olive oil in Almazara has been stolen by RED, all cops from BLU must now chase and capture those filthy thieves to put them behind bars, but beware, they will try to free their captured compatriots

Almazara is a map for the brand new gamemode Cops and Robbers. The gamemode is still in development so changes to it will also be put into this map once they are available

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Entropy (She/Her)

L1: Registered
Nov 17, 2023
Entropy (She/Her) updated Almazara with a new update entry:

Hurry Up! Almazara Alpha 2!

Welcome to Almazara A2! After a few months the second Cops and Robbers map is finally back with a brand new look, layout, improvements and more!

Changelog A2

  • Reworked the whole layout to fit into a more smaller and compact map
  • Reworked B Jail into a new design
  • Reworked A Jail to make it more open
  • Replaced health and ammo packs near Jails with small ones
  • Replaced health and ammo packs away from Jails with medium ones
  • Added more decoration for better enviroment...

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