

Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
is there any health or ammo on the map
I think this is one of the few positive criticism. Mappers like these realy need this feedback to learn how to map.

Maybe some pages that might be usefull for you:
It does describe the basic while brush thing but it also tells you how to do a single face. This is what is a must to allow you do make the map more interesting
These 2 are realy needed also
And to get some better details in the map.

Try a few things with these and see what you can come up with. Dont forget about screenshots, with those we can see if you learned from it.

And another major thing you need to know. The first few maps allways massively fail. No matter how hard it was for you to make it they simply dont work out as you just tried some random things not knowing what it does. Its realy not a problem and completely normal. Just use this map to learn everything but dont release it in the end. When you then finaly know how everything works you can start on a map that you are more likely to make decent enough to release it (in tf2 thats most often a ctf map as there you dont have to bother about the game modes yet).

(and i hope that my post will end the bad comments a bit - im sure most of you also made maps like these in the start except you didnt show them to the public)


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
(and i hope that my post will end the bad comments a bit - im sure most of you also made maps like these in the start except you didnt show them to the public)

Honestly, no.

Reanimation is my first map ever, and while it's far from perfect (for now :D) even my first alpha was better than this. Sure it was full of newby mistakes, sure it was way too big and lacked cover, all things expected of a first map. You know what it didn't have? Fullbright lightning, random ambulance textures anyone could have spotted by just looking at the map, intels placed on the floor randomly outside the spawn, walls that end nowhere, open spawn points...

In sum, it's the difference between "oh ok, he's just not used to hammer/mapping/lolnoob" and "...Did he even LOOK at the map?". It's the difference between being new at something and just not giving a shit about what you're doing/spending less than 5 minutes in hammer.

Am I being cruel? Perhaps. At the risk of sounding like an elitist, some level of quality control is necessary.