CTF 2_many_forts


L1: Registered
Mar 20, 2011

This CTF mirrored map consists of two relatively simple intel rooms, connected by multiple routes spanning a deep chasm. The map has an emphasis on using multiple routes to prevent engie turtling as well as veritcal space and gameplay. Scout rushing is discouraged by placing items in areas that a scout would not normally go, as well as connecting the fastest scout routes to the best potential engie building spots. Basically, the tight constrictive paths that a scout wouldn't take, are the paths of least resistance as far as engie building goes.

The map still has a long way to go before being finished and polished. I have not even begun to detail it and unfortunately I may not have the time to do so for quite a while. I just wanted to release what I had done to get feedback on the idea, design, anything and everything. I'll take any feedback no matter how harsh. Check it out and enjoy!
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semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
The areas around the intel themselves look very big, and it looks easy for a sniper to spawncamp. Mid looks quite interesting. I personally dislike maps that force players to jump: it doesnt make for smooth fights. Mid looks less like a fighting arena than an area you capture, then have fun running about in.


L1: Registered
Mar 20, 2011
yeah, one of the things that will probably be changed is cover added to the intel areas. I agree with the areas that force you to jump but I think I will leave them in, the reason being is that the two areas that require jumping are more or less faster, flanking routes, and by falling off you get funneled into the main middle route, an area which I hope sees some back and forth pushing.


Jun 9, 2009

This makes no sense, bricks aren't that thin.

Mid looks scary, seems like it could be locked down by a single sentry. Also, the name. But throw it up for gameday, see how it plays.


L1: Registered
Mar 20, 2011
I'm thinking that with the multiple points of attack, it'd be pretty hard to build up sentrys to lock down the mid.

And I agree with the name... i'm thinking ctf_chasm? I don't know, i'm open to suggestions haha.

as far as the visual glitches, yeah this was thrown together fairly hastily as I didn't have a whole lot of time and won't for a while so :bored: I'd love to polish this map up properly but it probably won't happen atleast for a while (weeks).

But thank you for the feedback so far.


Sep 11, 2013
A name that is short, sweet, and most of all untaken is what you should aim for. ctf_chasm, if available, is good. Go to TF2stats.net and search for it.


L1: Registered
Mar 20, 2011
Haha well the ill-thought out "2-many-forts" name was I guess just because instead of 1 bridge like 2-fort, there are quite a few. I will release an update just for you with massive amounts of random spawn forts!

But anywho, if available, I am changing the name to ctf_chasm, and I do want to gameplay test this version first, but depending on how that goes potential changes to be made will include:

A solid bridge on the bottom route (remove the jumping), reworking/replacement of the spawn FORWARD of the flag tower to make the area more compact, allow players to reach battlements faster, make the flag tower LESS campable from spawn, and further slow down the top route from scout rushing. But we'll see after gameplay testing before any of these changes are made.

Thanks all for the feedback


L1: Registered
Mar 20, 2011
Well my thought is, as of right now it may be REALLY difficult to get to the intel with the spawn directly behind it. If I place it forward and to the side, the side next to the dirt ramp to the top route, it does two things, slows down a potential scout rushing route by making it go by the spawn, and yet opens up the other routes because they're farther away from the spawn entrance. BUT I will test the current setup before making such a change.