vscript vsh

  1. ★GANGST★

    [VScript] VSH Mannopolis (Beta Update) 1

    This is a beta/slightly early version of the map that is still undergoing development and changes. Masive Cosmetic Updates: The finalied design for the map has been done unless I decide to add more too it. Changes include the full 3D Skybox and setting the back some of the buildings in the city...
  2. Doktor Obvious

    Need help with custom Vscript VSH maps

    I'm looking into setting up my own custom TF2 server. And among the regular maps I would like to run a custom version of VSH with a custom model and voicelines for Saxton and gray mann. Unfortunately I have no experience making vscript maps so I would need some help on that front. Honestly I...
  3. Pdan4

    [VSH VScript] Hailstone Halls rc1h

    A great thanks to @Muddy for letting me do this redetailing job, to @LizardOfOz for his VScript VSH, and @Phe for the Winter version of Hale and its cutout used in the icon here. Two new themes, in the same map?! AND TWO MAPS?! [Arena PLR] Halt the festivities! Saxton Hale dares to interrupt...