visual novel


    72hr Jam 2023 Как шпион мамку скаута повстречал 1.0

    я не умею рисовать, да и в сюжет не умею даже, зато умею писать код для визуальных новелл) В этом году мою команду покинули все кроме меня и моего кента, который ничего не делал I don't know how to draw, and I don't even know how to plot, but I can write code for visual novels) This year...

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Team Fortress 2: Kitchen Update 0.228

    A visual novel about the strangest event in the strangest world! Take part in the fate-deciding culinary contest among mercenaries and find out what will happen in the end! DEVELOPERS JUST MONIKA. - code ( El Mexicano Bandito - screenwriter...
  3. Bunnyman

    Meet the Director Visual Novel: Scout Edition 1.0

    You are The Director: a washed-up- uh, master filmmaker hired to create promotional material for Mann Co., featuring one of the infamous Teufort Nine: Scout. Oh, and you’re definitely not doing it to spy on them for juicy, juicy gossip. Will your marketing send Mann Co. stocks shooting through...