
  1. Yo Yo Bobby Joe

    Blender Exporting Model with Textures

    I'm working on this coral model for a map I'm working on. The color is a texture that I'm guessing gets exported alongside the model as the SMD. But the pockmarks, the normals, are procedural, made with nodes. Will Blender export that as a normal map with the rest of it, or do I need to bake it...
  2. Motik7

    Pathing in Hammer

    I am a very new mapper (I am working on my first TF2 map, though I have general game dev knowledge) and one of the things I noticed in pretty much any quality community map (using the pro versions of Valve maps as reference) is that there seem to be paths built into the texture similar to what...
  3. KWVance

    [Help] Painting TF2 Style Face Textures

    A bit off topic from "maps", but I'm having a VERY hard time with painting a texture. It is a face for a custom TF2 player model. I've found tutorials on TF2 painting, but they're always on how to paint objects, never organic things. Does anyone have any experience with this, resources that...