NEW AND EXCITING! It's PBO 4_2149a_a1!
Yet more of the enigmatic "PBO" project is upon the masses. A mix of claustrophobic and spacious, you may not see this as often as you would 3_1974a once PBO is fully assembled, but the final, fully decorated 4_2149a will be a jaw-dropping highlight.
...yeah so 1 3341B was kinda meh. But hey, everyone has their off day. This one though, hot damn, I know you'll love. 3 1974A is another experimental Pipeball map that just might make it into whatever the hell "PBO" is.
betcha youd really like to know...
NEW AND EXCITING! It's pbo_1_3341b_a1!
What in the cherry night in the workhouse fuck is PBO? Or 1_3341b? Which are both very good, if bizarrely phrased, questions. Well, it's Pipeball, but different. It's, shall we say, the first stage of an experiment.
The final product will definitely not...
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