
  1. nickybakes

    Havana Sunset Skybox Texture v01

    I hand painted this in Krita for a new version of Havana, but I want to release this by itself for now. The texture is not really specific to Havana, rather its just a really nice sunset with some clouds and a starry sky. Recommended sun settings: Pitch Yaw Roll: 0 307 0 Pitch: -20 Brightness...
  2. Alox

    Solar RC1A

    Mann Co had to turn to the sun for their energy since the moon got stolen by that one "gray" guy. Will your team be the first to control this site? What will you do with all this power? Solar bombs? Glow-in-the-dark sandviches? Light-up shower curtains? Only time will tell on koth_SOLAR!
  3. ethosaur

    Past 72hr Jam Entry koth_sol b1

    Made for the TF2Maps 72hr Summer Jam. A symmetrical King Of The Hill map, set on a space station, orbiting the sun! Was inspired by the sun station from Outer Wilds a little bit. I may continue to update this after the Jam as ended, but so far I think it should be in a playable state! Very...
  4. Laro

    Something's Leeking 2018-07-30

    Medic enjoys his new haircut.
  5. MidMort

    Summertime Fun 2018-07-29

    My very first summer jam entry~ I really liked how it turned out Made in Paint Tool SAI
  6. WeaselsLair

    Compiled TF2 map shows "Sun" in corner (upper-South-West)

    I don't remember seeing this before, but I was compiling a test build of a map I was working-on, and I keep getting a "Sun" of sorts in the upper-South-West corner of the map? I really do not want it there, because I am also trying to use a custom sky-box texture that has its own "Sun" (or...
  7. Mikroscopic

    Beach Umbrella a1

    For staying cool in the sun. Comes in red and blue variations.
  8. Flower_Shop_Guy

    Mesaworks Final1

    Welcome to the Mesaworks! "Mesaworks - single-stage Payload map, themes set in the industrial desert of the 20th century, consisting of 4 points. Info: Red team has aquired a huge supply of electricity, becoming the leading source of nuclear and solar energy. Blue team's feeling a bit...