
  1. Asriel the Raboot

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Perk-a-cola stinger(s) for MVM revive 1.0

    Whenever you get revive.. why not hear the glorious perk that was used to do so? be it quick revive, stamin' up, speed cola, tombstone, or some other soda of your choosing. eitherway, be revived now by mann co.'s new products~ NOTE: this mod will NOT work on official valve servers, ONLY on...
  2. Satedling

    Minecraft Sounds 1.16

    my the Minecraft Sounds Pack. have sound and the ability away.
  3. Diva Dan

    Dan's Laughter and Slaughter Assets v1

    Installation: -Place the contents of the "tf" folder into your own "tf" folder or in a "custom" folder of your choosing. Credits: Mann meat can: Diva Dan and Void Everything else: Diva Dan And of course, credit to valve for lots of asset bases! -Ferris wheel comes...
  4. Werewolf

    How to disable or control ambient sound effects for func_croc / prop_dynamic?

    I've added a 'func_croc' brush to my map, and I have a few 'prop_dynamic' crocodiles (lifted right out of cp_mercenarypark) as well. They are working as intended with players dying correctly and whatnot, but my issue is with the ambient sounds they make. My problem is that every few seconds...
  5. Suna

    Generic laser sounds 2019-04-13

    A combination of many tf2 sounds, edited nicely Use however you want
  6. EmNudge

    Quake/Battle Royale Announcer Lines 2018-07-29

    These lines were used as a replacement for almost all of arena mode's announcer lines, with some additions for the custom battle royale-styled gamemode. Recorded myself with a some noise gating, compression, EQ, pitch shifting, and reverb. KS lines aren't working in arena, but I've included...
  7. UltimentM

    TF2 Payload Sound Help

    Hello everyone. I'm currently trying to create a hybrid pl/ctf map at the moment (I actually have, set up all the logic and it all works), but am having trouble with some of the sounds at the moment. At the end of the payload section, the cart blows up and begins the ctf section. The problem...
  8. T

    Sound Barriers

    Hey all, I´m currently working on a trade map and I have a basement under a square. If I´m in the cellar I can hear the sound of the guns from the square. Is there a way making sound barriers? Currently I fixed it by placing the basement highly deep, but I wanted to know wether there is another...
  9. biskuu

    Custom sounds

    Hey, I just watched this tutorial: View: For some reason what he says isn't working with TF2 and I need to get a couple of sounds I have working with my custom gamemode. How do I get custom sounds in a map?