I never used this form before so I hope everything went well!
Love making tf2 content so I jumped at the opportunity:^)
My steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/thatsheepagain
Coming up with ideas was difficult and, while I do it admit, my idea wasn't nearly as inspired as some of the rest, I figured it was a good one regardless. This is my Soldier doing the same rant Soldier says in Meet the Soldier.
Steam profile link:
Pretty self explanatory of what I said in the Tag Line. I remade an album of a band I enjoy called Coburn. I couldn't add text in Gmod for the life of me and got a little frustrated. Overall I think this looks very nice and I hope you like it as well.
Click this imgur link so you can see the...
when u get stuck in section 4 in easy mode at the rocket jump academy T_T
I've changed my artistic name to nephuru but I couldn't find a way to change it here, you can check here a past submission and ask me for any proof you need.
This was my entry for the SummerJam 2019, an event organized by TF2Maps.net...
-Context: A Persian marauder, kill his enemies stealthily and effectively...
Support me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1825462251
Thank you, eaaa :D
Badges made of red, orange, and black (for the stronger base) felt.
Each has a pin on the backside.
my steam profile:
I decided to remake one of the mercenaries from the game.
The model has been remeshed and also retextured from zero giving a brand new high detailed looking.
Model can be even given to the game and actually playable, but I don't have time to writing some .qc files and stuff!
I will not...
I've been meaning to draw a lot more recently, and I accidentally got a dash of TF2 in my Goku.
Noteworthy details include the 6 white hair spikes and 7 red, and the kanji being swapped out for the Soldier Emblem
this is my first time on the 72h jam, I hope everything goes well :)
tank: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265555743
Enhanced Soldier: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=293617102
scout jacket...
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