
  1. Katsu! :3

    TF2m P4SS Map Chat

    Heyo. I wanted to make this thread for me and the P4SS Time fellas to talk about getting some more 4v4 PASS Time gaming going, as it's a lotta fun and I'd like to keep hanging with em. Oh, and of course the great clips we get from time to time lol. Current map pool: pass_stadium_rc2...
  2. renton

    Competitive Map Testing Mixes

    Hello! As the title suggests we are currently working on a mixing group to test out custom maps in a competitive environment. If you are interested in mapping for competitive or have done so in the past please send me a message on one of the contact options at the bottom. General Information...
  3. exer

    pass_stadium 2024-10-09

    Map made for 4v4 passtime. 4v4 passtime discord: https://discord.gg/rpeEDP6zXE intended config: https://github.com/Laxson/Passtime/tree/master/cfg Played in the 1st RGL 4v4 Passtime Cup: https://rgl.gg/?a=1691&r=63