night time

  1. Brandini Panini

    Honeymill a4

    Credits: Katsu (layout designer) Cass (blockout)
  2. Bestest bread is lost-ish

    72hr Jam 2024 cp_nighttimecliffsideplace a8

    this was initially made for the 2024 72hr jam. but its been worked on since!
  3. Francis_A2x

    racketeer rc2c

    koth_racket but with snow
  4. August101

    vip_oilrigging a7d

    Your used to playing with danger, and exploding bases without worry about the consequences; but this time is different. Red has an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, where they been doing spytech stuff above your usual pay grade, as well as a general money maker. You'll have a specialist who can...
  5. August101

    tcdom_augustdeckmap a2a

    My entry for the Stack the Deck contest. Fit fulls gameplay cards: 4, 6, 8, 15; Fit fulls detail cards: 4, 7. A Territorial Domination map that takes place on a train heading through a soho downtown. This is an all-active version of tcdom (For those who don't know; both teams start with 1 of 3...
  6. Ponds34

    Arena Dustbowl Alpha 2

    A Dustbowl gamemode swap to a new gamemode I dont think has been done here before, Attack defend arena! Each team has one control point and to win you can either cap the enemy control point or kill everyone from the other team. I figure that this wont play amazing but when I was making...
  7. goofster

    Night Light a1

    Dark night, only bullets are whistling in the steppe, Only the wind is wailing through the telephone wires, stars are faintly flickering ... and also the maniacal screaming of mentally ill mercenaries can be heard. Night Light is a single stage payload map with 3 capture points, designed (at...
  8. spruce

    72hr Jam 2023 A/D Nocturnal (72Hr Jam) a1

    Nocturnal is my Halloween 2 Point A/D map with no Halloween gimmicks, it's shoddy because I was running out of time, thanks for understanding Report any issues please thanks.
  9. Dasprucegoose

    72hr Jam 2023 Regresar a1

    In this Halloween arena map, players are given one last chance after dying to return to the land of the living. Made for the 2023 72hr Jam Vscript by Floaty (made prior to the jam) I'm planning on adding a couple more mechanics/gimmicks later Content used: Arabian Market pack Graveyard asset...
  10. icelandicmoose22

    Sluice box 3cp cp_sluice_box_b8a

    Night in the desert themed 3 cp. First map I really worked on. my goal is to have a strange but playable map.
  11. Little Skull Kid

    Courtyard 1.1

    Battle it out at late night in the inner courtyard of these two factories to control this rather important (trust me) satellite dish! A mirrored King of the Hill map, rather straightforward and small in length, but with lots of flank routes and industrial-sized vertical height. My first map...
  12. Phe

    sd_phe_mc22_a1 a1

    For the microcontest 22, i accidentally named the bsp pd_ instead of sd_ ignore that lol
  13. The Almighty Ham

    koth_broadcast a11

    RED and BLU have grown rather unpopular with the locals, and must fight for a radio broadcasting tower to spread propaganda in their favour! Night-time, urban themed KOTH map
  14. RC_Polygons

    Butcher RC1b

    Welcome to Butcher. Take a step into this hospital where the surgery goes awry and where the fire grows brighter. The dead corpses are rising from the ashes to take their revenge. Stop them displaying a bomb at your base. Butcher is in Hexadecimal Horrors Expert Mission: Lucid Nightmare (...
  15. Sonoma

    Rivet rc2a

    R I V E T BLU and RED battle for each other's "decommisioned" industrial complexes, though we all know that behind the facade of abandoned machinery and metal buildings they house spying bases and weaponry. Please give feedback! Pics of RC2
  16. Dasprucegoose

    Ozark a2

    cant think of a good desc. right now.
  17. Chains-

    Cybertech b1

    Cybertech is a single-stage Payload map with 4 cap points. BLU is tasked to retrieve a mysterious cube from RED with the help of their special payload. Credits & Special Thanks Content Packs Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack by A Boojum Snark Autumnal Content Pack by Berry Frontline Content Pack...
  18. Chains-

    Tavern b7

    Tavern is a single-stage Payload map with 4 cap points. After a long day of work, BLU decided to crash RED's party at the local tavern. Credits & Special Thanks Thank you mag as always for the help with everything. Thanks zap for helping with sightlines adjustments during testing. Hopeful for...