
  1. Milza.3

    Coolthing a1

    First map :3
  2. Xbmann

    Rez final

    Originally published on Dec 8th, 2016. Upload for GB mirror. Tier 2, 6 stages, 2 bonuses. Originally designed and tested for TF2. Bhop bonus was tested on 66 tick in TF2. Special thanks to not_a_zombie and Frosty Scales for helping me through my first map, as well as TheDeathly for hosting...
  3. Xbmann

    Rez2 final

    Originally released Nov 11th, 2018. Upload for GB mirror. surf_rez2 Made by Xbmann Bonus 4: Spy Complex Bonus 2: Muta (T4, 5 stages, 4 bonuses) Here it is, the long awaited sequel to the map I regretted uploading the most. I tried to stay true to the original style of surf_rez while also...
  4. Xbmann

    Zealand final

    Originally released Jul 11th, 2017, Mirroring GB upload surf_zealand by Xbmann Additional detail by Frosty Scales Special thanks to not_a_zombie, Rez and the Resurfed Community Made using custom assets from the BulletCrops Project and Refracting Glass Textures by Retro7rek Testers: Rez...
  5. Leonin

    How can I make a hovering func_movelinear?

    what i mean is how would you make a func_movelinear that starts at the bottom, goes (for example 300 hammer units) higher in a straight line, stays for a second or two, then ends up at the coordinates where it started?
  6. mute_

    kz-mute q4

    tf2s very first mini kz map, for improving your mechanical movement (made for 2.6 gamma)
  7. Meebas

    Launch Pads for VSH

    I need to create launch pads for my VSH (versus saxton hale) map. So far I've only got trigger push brushes, but those only work reliably when going straight up. I need a launch pad that can send players far, and fast, towards a direction. I want ones like the single one in vsh_spaaaaace, if...
  8. Grubzer

    Players, buildings, moving trains.

    If player will jump on top of the func_tracktrain, or func_movelinear, they will continue moving, but player will not move with them, and after few jumps he will fall of. And if engineer will build building on them, building will stand still, but train will continue moving. How to make player...