map name

  1. Cream Tea

    What exactly is the maximum map name length?

    After all these years there doesn't seem to be a solid answer anywhere and it would be nice to finally have one. I've heard of 32 characters being the maximum and I've heard of 28 being the maximum because the ".bsp" part is counted. Yet I've seen maps with far larger names that seemingly work...
  2. Eshy

    Need help remembering map name

    I remember having a lot of fun playing on this koth map a few years back, however I lost my old map files and screenshots a year or so ago. I can't remember much besides the map being really big, and the middle point (and most of the bottom layer) had water. Can anyone help me remember what map...
  3. Scampi

    Two Questions:

    Greetings! I'm finishing my map, cp_chateau_event, a halloween variant of cp_steel. Go ahead and have a gander at it. It's just about done, and I would like to submit it for testing soon, but there are two things I'd like to clear up first. 1. Am I allowed to call it cp_chateau_event, or...
  4. FloofCollie

    Making map name different from filename?

    Hi, this is a bit of a weird question... but one of the things that breaks immersion is when I see, say, an official map which is referred to, in game, as say "cp_terminal_velocity_rc2" (obviously not actually an official map). This can be seen in screenshots and the server browser (Quickplay)...