Someone from Canada claims to be its Emperor and also a God, the worst part he brought with him an army, most of only melee, but its still bad enought.
Kill him before the facility gets it.
Have you ever been messing around with those cool holograms on MvM maps, when you notice that they always have that blue hue on them? Don't you ever wish you could make them a proper purple, or grey, or white?
I'll assume your answer is yes, in which case, you should indeed download this!
Boring is a standard MvM map set on a cliffside in [Country]. Very rough right now, very boring!
Includes mission maker txt file.
Forklift - FGD5
Small scale 2-players Mann VS Machines map set in an industrial environment (a metalworking plant) with dynamic elements.
Looking for a new base of operation to organize their defense against the invading robots, MANN CO. settled in what seemingly was an ordinary metalwork factory, ignoring...
I took mvm_example and yoinked out a lot of the important entities, added some important pieces, and removed some unnecessary parts (such as func_nav_avoids getting disabled when the bomb is close to the hatch).
Map is built on a 64 unit grid. Most entities have comments on what they do.
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