
  1. mush

    Good_Wagon a11

    I am looking to make an interesting map that works good enough to be called functional, please reach out to me if there are problems with it.
  2. Plecostomus Bread

    Waco a8

    4th map, looking for feedback (and to make it good :))
  3. InstantOzone

    koth_pathetic alpha 4

    This was originally a map made for the 72hr jam 2022, I've chosen to move it's main download page here for future updating as I plan on updating and hopefully getting a few playtests for this map. I made a few changes since the 72hr jam post. They are: changed layout to remove godawful...
  4. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    route_rear A8

    This is my first map i made, i somehow fix it so it's doesn't malfunction lol.
  5. LadyBug

    koth_bermuda a3

    Koth map. Oilrig style of building.

    Frostbite a4

    I decided to slow down for a bit After having several failed mapping attempts. This is a pretty bland basic Koth Map. I have more creative and dynamic plans for it in later Updates, but for the moment I want to test the basic layout. Like the Original Arena map it's named after, I plan to make...
  7. Joseph joestar

    Pistonedstone A9

    (pictures more than outdated) So, here we go I was doing some things between my Disasterous previous map, but I haven't been satisfied with all of them, so I often just deleted them. But anyway, I want to post at leas something just to see if it's any better than before. Map itself is a koth...
  8. LilBerB

    koth_authec (BETA) vB

    NOTE: THIS IS THE FIRST VERSION OF THIS MAP. THIS IS NOT A FULLY COMPLETED MAP. IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE MADE IN THE NEXT VERSION. This is my very first map I made. I know it isn't that good, but I will be making improvements. In the next version, I will change the ground up a bit instead of it...
  9. E

    AtDaBeach 2017-08-07

    is a koth map.