
  1. Cyberen

    Kart can't trigger env_fog_controller!

    It seems weird, because when the player is in a bumper car (addcond 82) I can trigger text to appear, but not a change in the env_fog_controller. Even worse is if I try to go around this limitation by sending the inputs to an info_branch it doesn't show me anything. Can anyone out there please...
  2. Crieng.

    kartrace_Bazongharacers_a2 a2

    Kart racing map! Used with this beautiful prefab by Idolon: https://tf2maps.net/threads/aether.23537/#post-313364 It's inspired by different Mario kart double dash maps I used to play when I was little. Making this map was like a walk down memory lane. :)
  3. BigfootBeto

    Multi Stage Teufort Grand Prix A3

    I've had an idea for a long while of a full Grand Prix game inside one map, and by that I mean 4 different tracks all played after the other. For example, the Grand Prix from Mario Kart (Mushroom Cup, Star Cup, etc.). *VERSION A3* As of right now, there are 3 tracks and an intermission area...

    Kart Dev Fort 2017-02-11

    based off of a map from mario kart