jump pads

  1. Ponds34

    Pollinate Alpha 1

    Simple and small arena mode layout, nothing too fancy here beside the Jump Pad that gives you ample elevation over your enemies.
  2. Digital Artificer

    Trade Strange Desert V2 2.0.1

    A trade/idle map with spells, jump pads, hidden rooms and more! Features include but are not limited to: Jump pads Safe-rooms Spells Toxic sludge pits A real-time working clock Sniper towers, and a nest with toggle-able windows! Mazes, hidden rooms, libraries and of course a pumpkin! (in the...
  3. Boby

    Winterstorm B3a

    a koth map with snow and pines credits: Tall thin pine trees by Diva Dan : https://tf2maps.net/downloads/tall-thin-pine-trees.5846/ London pack : https://london.tf2maps.net/
  4. dropknock

    pass_ruin a14

    Made for the 4v4 PASS Time competitive community. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t01sfcj1qPw Features: • Platforms that act as jump multipliers for med only use, intented to give more mobility/gamapley impact to the class. • Ulama inspired rings on the sides that give anyone who goes...
  5. Kiglirs

    Kaelir a13a

    My 1st attempt at doing a map that is good in competitive and in pub, and in a V shape. I'll see how it goes! Also includes hot water and a cliff over the sea I'm still not good at description, i'll change it later, i promise
  6. Aapelikaeki

    Chateau A1

    This map is a port of Chateau Guillard from Overwatch. Custom content used: Tumby's merasmus statue and The Frontline! pack
  7. B!scuit

    bikkie mc20 A1D

    My fastest microcontest entry yet For Microcontest #20 "Static Spawns" The challenge: build a map around 2 prebuilt spawnrooms, without moving them or altering the internal geometry A compact and abnormal ctf map Not only are the spawnrooms back to back, so are the intel rooms
  8. krizej

    td_longest_yard a1

    Longest Yard is a deathmatch map. I wanted to make it FFA, but TF2's friendly fire system is broken so it is team deathmatch. Deal with it. It is made using dev textures, I quite like how it looks that way - the gray tiles fit the space vibe pretty well (although I should have used some more...
  9. 14bit

    14bit MC17 A1

    A PLR map made in around 16 hours for MC#17: Earth, Wind, and/or Fire. Featuring: Slow payload elevators (Earth) Jump pads designed to make players collide in mid-air and fall into lava (Wind) Fireballs on a sections of rollback track with a 0.3X speed modifier on the carts (Fire)
  10. king3pic

    ctf_undermine_a1 2018-07-29

    This is a Alfa 1 build of ctf_undermine for the 72 Hour tf2 jam, the theme of the map is Red and Blu's mining facilities in 2 different ravine walls connected by a traintrack which brings in supplies and ammo. The train is static and the 2 containers on the train has 1 Full health kit and 1 Full...
  11. P

    Past 72hr Jam Entry arena_updraft a2

    Once upon a time, in the year 1969, Redmond and Blutarch Mann wanted to taunt each other but didn't want to have to pick up a phone to do it. After wasting an ungodly amount of money to invent Skype for 1969 in under a week, they proceeded to argue about whether Vril was the new gravel or if...
  12. SnickerPuffs

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Guise2 a1

    Ah, another 72hr Jam, another map remake. This is a remake of my earlier Player Destruction map, 'Guise' (hence the name). This remake is slightly larger, has a vastly different layout, and has a much more fitting game mode for it's size. ------ WITH WONDERFUL FEATURES SUCH AS : - Jump Pads...