
  1. r0nii

    Graffiti overlay v1

    Two selfmade graffities goes to "tf/materials/overlays/graffiti/ "
  2. Hweepo

    Stencil Decals 2022-01-07

    Has one team had to set up shop hastily and not had time to bring in their sign_gameplay01s? Are you going for a graffiti-type style? Do you for any reason need stencil decals saying "BATTLEMENTS," "CAPTURE POINT," "CONTROL POINT," "EXIT," "INTELLIGENCE," or "RESUPPLY" in team colors? if so...
  3. Heili

    Shoplift Graffiti Overlays V1

    These are hand-drawn graffiti textures made for my map Shoplift, themed after Left 4 Dead. It includes 5 graffiti textures and 2 Team Fortress themed safehouse overlays (black and orange, includes separate arrow overlay). Credit to 'MuxinMuffin' (that's me) somewhere if you use them please...