
  1. Mr_MEME_42

    Does anyone know why this metal grate is glitching and is no longer solid?

    On my map, I have these metal grates on the floor but for some reason, all but one of them work perfectly fine. As you can see in the image the one at the bottom looks to be solid metal instead of a metal grate texture while the one at the top works perfectly fine. Also, this one is not solid...
  2. Chaos

    Double cross is a mess.

    So its been a while since my last post. I've recently gotten a new pc and am trying my hand at mapping again. I'm currently trying to use Hammer++ and compile pal to do a previous idea. I don't know what's wrong with wrong with this stupid map. But this is the second attempt at making a...
  3. pogviuemper

    Are func_details any harmful to maps?

    I get a lot of inspiration and ideas from Valve maps (not just officially added ones, maps that were made by Valve workers), and I also learned most of the important stuff from just analysing their maps. And I noticed in Valve's maps that there are a lot of brushes that could have been tied to...
  4. The_Gl!tch.exe

    [Solved] Texture gets "cut off" when being underwater Whenever I am underwater, half of the texture of this func_detail brush disappears, but it can be seen when being outside of the map. Am I missing something or is a general bug with water brushes?
  5. Chains-

    Chains-'s Stairs Prefab Collection V1

    The VMF contains different types/combinations of stairs that I collected throughout some time. I used them quite often in my projects and made them into prefabs since I prefer stairs with player clip and func_detail by default. The collection includes the standard width/height stairs that can...
  6. OracleForms11g

    Weird lighting on curved hallways walls

    Hi TF2maps, I've been working for about 2 to 3 months on a payload map that has multiple hallways leading to big open areas. In order to add some WOW, I've decided to add cured hallways (using this Valve tutorial) on some of them. Using the arch tool was fine, the generated geometry was nice...
  7. FloofCollie

    My map is doing minor weird spooky things

    First off: This wall looks like two differently-coloured textures. Note that the lightmap resolution is set to default (16), so it isn't caused by that. Hammer view: They are different textures, though. One of them is the normal texture (the one that appears strangely yellow in-game), and the...
  8. FloofCollie

    What happens to func_detail brushes in-game?

    So, I understand the whole deal of func_detailing anything that's not intrusive because it complicates the visleaves - but what happens to those brushes during gameplay? Are they visible all the time because they're not getting culled? Or do they still get culled? I'd like to know!
  9. pi-ka

    [problem solved] How does one, make a func_detail into solid object?

    Hi! its me again! the person that has had trouble with something since always! today's episode, how to undo the func_detail! I have no idea! roll the credits! thats all folks! (how do I make a solid object, but I have already made that object, I just need to undo the whole Func_detail...
  10. DiaBomb

    Can't turn a func_detail displacement toworld.

    I accidentally createt fun_detail displacements (even if i don't know how) but now I want to turn then back into normal brushes but can't. I have groups selectet and ungrouped all of the displacements . I can klick toworld all i want but nothing happens.
  11. BigfootBeto

    Frontline Props Placeholders Library V1

    Tired of seeing 90 mb alpha maps stuffed with Frontline Assets? Well, this pack hopes to alleviate that problem by providing mappers with a library of placeholders to use instead of props. Key props include the tank and fountains. Every placeholder is properly nodrawed and func_detailed (one...
  12. Simulacron

    How to make a one way door?

    How can I make a one way door? When I put the trigger exactly where the door end I can still walk against the door to open it, but if I move it into the door by 1hu, you can get stuck in it. Thanks for your help!
  13. gommi

    Error item compiling

    any idea how to fix it? my compile log check say : error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported (entity 132, brush 0) error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported but those rails and those arcs are not func detail and i've already "toWorld"...