Have you wanted to use props_2fort/sniper_fence01.mdl or props_2fort/sniper_fence02.mdl in your map, but get so angry at its inconvenient L shape that you start lookin' kinda dumb with your finger and your thumb in the shape of an L on your forehead?
Well, Goose starts comin' and he don't stop...
Modular Fences v1.0
View: https://youtu.be/cDq_HoPu7yQ
Tired of the one-notedness and the utter stagnation of props_gameplay\security_fence_section01? Well, cry no longer! This model pack comes with six unique sizes of fence to choose from! That's right, six! There's so many to choose from...
26 modular fence section pieces (64-256 wide)
1 small pole
1 large pole with light attached (2 skins, light off and on, 3 LODs)
3 gate variations with 3 LODs
Derived from (and compatible with) the security fence models made by Valve from props_gameplay.
Recommended grid size for alignment in...
Fences based on HL2 "props_wasteland/exterior_fence002"
Comes in 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512
To get -textureshadows to work, rename the mapsrc/YOURMAPNAMEHERE.rad to your map.
This expansion pack currently has 3 models that can go along with the valve security_fence_section_01.mdl model. There is currently a pole, quarter sized fence, and full sized fence without end poles which allows for infinite fences in theory.
This is a valve model edit so credit is not...
I made these models a while back to use for the original artpass of koth_terrace, but when the map was rethemed I no longer had any use for these models. They are similar to the existing gothic fence models, except they align better on grid and have a bit more flexibility.
I realize that these...
MDL files for a wooden fence, including pieces of the fence broken.
Just a little thing i did out of boredom.
I recompiled a few standard props with smaller scale to fit into skyboxes.
Download contains a mini prop zoo map for reference.
All new models are in props_skybox folder.
Note: all security_fence models were skyboxified. 512 unit long skybox fence...
What is there to say about this?
Files included:
Each as .dx80.vtx, .dx90.vtx, .mdl, .phy, .sw.vtx and .vvd
Extract the folder "iron_fence_lowered". You can...
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble