
  1. Dasprucegoose

    Modular Sniper Fence Props v1

    Have you wanted to use props_2fort/sniper_fence01.mdl or props_2fort/sniper_fence02.mdl in your map, but get so angry at its inconvenient L shape that you start lookin' kinda dumb with your finger and your thumb in the shape of an L on your forehead? Well, Goose starts comin' and he don't stop...
  2. Cimroa

    Cimroa's Modular Fences 1.0

    Modular Fences v1.0 View: https://youtu.be/cDq_HoPu7yQ Tired of the one-notedness and the utter stagnation of props_gameplay\security_fence_section01? Well, cry no longer! This model pack comes with six unique sizes of fence to choose from! That's right, six! There's so many to choose from...
  3. Wendy

    soho fence edits 1

    soho fence edit
  4. Gadget

    Security Fences (Expansion Pack) 1.1

    26 modular fence section pieces (64-256 wide) 1 small pole 1 large pole with light attached (2 skins, light off and on, 3 LODs) 3 gate variations with 3 LODs Derived from (and compatible with) the security fence models made by Valve from props_gameplay. Recommended grid size for alignment in...
  5. Ismaciodismorphus

    Blu Securityfence001 4/20/2022

    This is a quick reskin of securityfence001 to add a blu version
  6. Bakscratch

    security fence rail F

    Fences based on HL2 "props_wasteland/exterior_fence002" Comes in 32, 64, 128, 256 and 512 To get -textureshadows to work, rename the mapsrc/YOURMAPNAMEHERE.rad to your map.
  7. nesman

    Security Fence Expansion Pack a2

    This expansion pack currently has 3 models that can go along with the valve security_fence_section_01.mdl model. There is currently a pole, quarter sized fence, and full sized fence without end poles which allows for infinite fences in theory. This is a valve model edit so credit is not...
  8. Necrσ

    Modular Urban Fences 2017-09-09

    I made these models a while back to use for the original artpass of koth_terrace, but when the map was rethemed I no longer had any use for these models. They are similar to the existing gothic fence models, except they align better on grid and have a bit more flexibility. I realize that these...
  9. Jukebox

    Destructible Wood Fence 2017-08-07

    MDL files for a wooden fence, including pieces of the fence broken. Includes: WoodFence_Destruct_1 WoodFence_Destruct_1_Broken WoodFence_Destruct_2 WoodFence_Destruct_2_Broken WoodFence_Destruct_Post WoodFence_Destruct_Piece1 WoodFence_Destruct_Piece2 WoodFence_Destruct_Piece3...
  10. AsG_Alligator

    Skyboxified prop pack 2017-01-02

    Just a little thing i did out of boredom. I recompiled a few standard props with smaller scale to fit into skyboxes. Download contains a mini prop zoo map for reference. All new models are in props_skybox folder. Note: all security_fence models were skyboxified. 512 unit long skybox fence...
  11. MaccyF

    security_fence_section01_half v1

    initial version
  12. Tumby

    Lowered Iron Fence 1.2

    What is there to say about this? Files included: models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02 models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02a models/props_fairoffrigt/iron_fence02b Each as .dx80.vtx, .dx90.vtx, .mdl, .phy, .sw.vtx and .vvd Installation: Extract the folder "iron_fence_lowered". You can...
  13. Bapaul

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Modular WWII Camp Wall v2

    4 Piece Modular WWII Style Camp Wall