
  1. Way

    Koth Example 1

    I made this for a friend awhile back to help him learn a little bit of mapping, a little map containing roughly everything you need to make a koth map. I've decided to drop it here for anyone else who might find use out of it. You must decompile the BSP to view everything in Hammer.
  2. Diva Dan

    Zombie Infection (VScript Gamemode) 3.0.5

    A Community Game Mode Created by: Harry "Harry" Colquhoun Liam "Diva Dan" Moffitt Hello! Here you will find all of the content necessary for creating a map for "Zombie Infection", a community-created game mode officially featured in Scream Fortress 2023. Included is an example map...
  3. Argo

    koth_vehicle_example A11

    Combined-arms warfare in TF2 created with map logic! Disclaimer: Currently this example is less-than-suitable for online play due to optimisation issues, but can still be tested offline with bots or online with a friend or two. I'm still keeping this uploaded as an "open source" resource...