design theory

  1. dabmasterars

    Is this a good design for a BLU spawn in Attack/Defence? (images included)

    Is this spawn good for attackers? Is there any spawncamping potential? Is it confusing? FYI, the map is flat because it is supposed to be on the rooftops
  2. Stack Man

    TF2 Map Theory: Common Design Patterns in Payload (and Attack/Defend!)

    If we observe many successful Payload and Attack/Defend maps, similar design patterns start to emerge. There is variation, but many of these principles are present in maps in at least some form. In this thread, we'll analyze various Payload maps, identifying these patterns and why they work...
  3. Katsu! :3

    Reverse Invade CTF - A Gameplay Travesty

    Hello. Today I would like to try and educate you on why Reverse Invade Capture the Flag, as a concept, falls flat on its face, and why it reasonably could continue to be neglected by level designers for the foreseeable future. I'm going to try and keep this relatively brief since this gamemode...
  4. Katsu! :3

    Playability vs. Identity - "Why is A/D CTF controversial?"

    This is gonna be a bit of a rant so forgive me if this turns into a massive tangent or is overly wordy. It's hard to deny that Attack / Defense Capture the Flag is a controversial gamemode. People over here say that it's terrible because backcaps are the devil, people over here say that it's a...