
  1. Fate Fighter

    Zombi Spawner

    Can someone tell me how I can do tf_zombie_spawner by killing the king or normal skeletons with a button?
  2. KrazyZark

    Emergency button V2

    Spy kinda sus
  3. ccpop123a

    how do I create a toggle button?

    I'm trying to create a button that can open and close doors, but you can't press a button if it is locked (on used locked).
  4. T

    Tug O' War A7

    The saga of Red and Blue fighting over meaningless things continues as they have a "tug of war" over which direction a "tug boat" circles. Pun extremely intended :p . Gameplay revolves around getting on and capturing a moving boat with a koth point on it. Capture the point and it circles...
  5. Musaic

    Measuring time passed between button press?

    Hey guys I can't seem to figure out a good way to measure the seconds between a button pressed once then pressed again. Failing that, using a seperate start and stop button. I wish to output the value to another entity. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks