
  1. Docteur Whoa

    Multi Stage CP Brooklynn2 Stage1 & Stage2dev

    Dustbowl-style urban multi-stage Attack/Defense Control Point map. CURRENT DOWNLOAD IS A DEV VERSION DUE TO LAYOUT CHANGES. FOR THE DEFINITIVE LOOK AND FEEL, DOWNLOAD "VERSION 1.3" FROM VERSION HISTORY. Through Railroad Express Delivery, RED controls the entire railway system of New Mann City...
  2. Docteur Whoa

    Multi Stage Brooklynn B4

    Brooklynn is a Multi-Stage Attack defense in the style of Dustbowl. It is set in warehouses, parking lots, alleys, and streets. The goal was to make a map based not on Mannhattan itself - docks in the city of New York, but on what could be in the other side of the fence, in some part of the...