boss battle

  1. MC_Labs15

    Haunted Mine (Payload) a2

    Payload halloween map with a custom ghost boss!
  2. SpookyToad

    TF2 AI Boss prefab (NOT MERASMUS, HHH, EYEBALL...) b1

    Did you even wanted to make a working AI boss which follows and killing players? Well, this prefab is for you! There are also a playlist, about creating a boss There are haves a archive with .vmf example and 2 fully ported and working models from WoW This thread going to receive updates, as...
  3. I Darkstar X

    cp_railgun A4

    The latest of my I/O Boss battle creations, enter the Rail-Gun! With magnetic treads (Mainly because having circular wheels used too many triangles) and a compliment of devastating cannons and miniguns, this hunk of iron is not to be trifled with! But fret not! You can kill him! Railgun has 5...