
  1. Tiftid

    [GUIDE] Optimisation, 2020s style

    I'm generally hesitant to write about topics that others have already covered. But it seems that I continually see maps get the same things wrong, especially in regard to optimisation. So this guide will aim to provide a wide breadth of knowledge about intermediate-advanced level optimisation...
  2. dabmasterars

    Areaportals don't work (pics included)

    Areaportal do not occlude anything even when the doors are closed. It may be because I placed them next to each other, but the Valve Developer Wiki says nothing about it. Areaportals in Hammer Areaportals in game Areaportal configuration
  3. Erk

    Something to do with Areaportals:

    Hey, so I thought to myself "Why dont I just make harvest medieval?" and so I added the tf_logic_medieval right into the frame. I didn't feel like that was enough to make it medieval however, so replaced the textures of the map and certain props with a more fitting version. On my first compile...