Set in the vast expanses of the Alpine, Blu has been tasked with investigating Red's mysterious new base of operations and eliminate any threat it poses by pushing the cart into the mysterious electronics that fuels their rival's dominance over the region!
Original map made by Huwareyou...
tug of war in one dimension, featuring a very long boy.
adopted from yrrzy, layout has been completely changed, with some minor major extreme logic adjustments
this is a serious map
base layout and majority of the map and detailing by pumpko
original idea and longboy by yrrzy
original layout...
rockyard is an koth map set in the badlands theme
original creator is @MaccyF thread (beaters map contest etc):
Marooner's Bay is the koth map I first adopted and turned into Koth_fiesta, after a year away, I decided to give this project more love and attention then I did when I first started mapping.
The base layout of the map is by @MaccyF as they were the original creator of the map before I adopted...
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